Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cleveland Museum of Art: Summer Solstice 2010

(Preface: It's 2AM, I'm going to keep it short; there may be updates/edits to this post)

I had the extreme pleasure of sharing this evening with a new friend, and in all respects it was a fantastic evening to share. The Solstice Party originated last year to welcome the contemporary/modern art galleries, and was reprised this year to welcome to reopening of the antiquities collection.

"Antiquities" comprises a time period that I generally have a difficult time drawing connections to. The beautifully displayed artifacts, though, combined with a lively discussion with my guest yielded a spectacular premiere. Especially worthy of consideration is the intense level of detail present on many of the -- especially smaller -- objects, and the sheer fact that these have survived for, in some cases, upwards of six thousand years in beautiful condition.

The galleries continue the logical flow found in the other reopened areas of the museum and you're never left with the sense that you may be lost in some labyrinthine maze--my first impression from my only visit before the museum began the renovation. In a word it's beautifully done.

The party was also lively drawing a diverse--and once again sell-out--crowd well into the evening. Eclectic music was present outdoors, while indoors a scavenger hunt contributed much to my amusement. I'll be interested to see how my team scores, though at least one blackmail-worthy photo came out of the exercise.

I made the mistake of walking from my house--fine in shorts in a polo, but not such a hot idea in slacks and a button-down shirt, but that's the only negative I can pin on the evening: Even that had a positive outcome.

Truly an evening that will not quickly be forgotten and one that has few rivals.


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